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Orko Ready

A member registered Nov 05, 2021

Recent community posts

Merci, j'ai compris mon erreur et j'ai fini le jeu avec la fin "Enfin libre", il y a 5 fins à découvrir si je comprend bien?

Arf! après avoir trouvé la menthe je galère avec la recette soporifique, il faut transposer la recette de la potion stimulante, transposer ca veut rien dire, y a beaucoup trop de combinaison possible...

Enfin bref! je lâche pas l'affaire!😙

Super ton jeu en tout cas, les dessins sont très jolis.

Congratulations, shoot em up, platform and even a boss!! This game is beautiful and complete, I just finished it and I enjoyed it. Thank you!😀

Merci! pour ce cadeau de Noel! :D

Well done man for the work, the game has an end?

Well done guys, the game is great. The boss is really difficult ^^" I did an UNBOXING :)

Congratulation! I really enjoyed your game and I finished it ;)

Hello! great your game, I got to lvl9, how many lvl are there in total?

Very good game, I have reached level 18 :) How many levels are there, does the game have an end?